A Friend In Need

There are many 4:00am mornings when I am awoken to my mind racing about an individual who has been alone or a family that may not have all that they need during this time. Other early mornings I am stirred awake by the urge to give a friend a hug and find out how they are doing. In an effort to get back to sleep I put a reminder in my calendar to follow up on them and I begin to immediately pray for them.

The bottom line, I miss people. I miss learning, growing, serving, and laughing in person with the Body. Each week I stand up in front of an empty room and declare the Word of God to empty chairs and yet I do my best to visualize each person and family unit that normally would take their rightful place amongst the Gathering of the Saints. I even do my best to visualize a stranger coming in and taking their seat at one of our back tables and I ask myself, “what would our neighbor need to hear during this time as well?”

When I check up on our local friends I hear a constant theme, when do you think we might be able to gather together again as friends and the Body? My heart breaks as well as rejoices each time I hear those words. To a large degree, many are awakening from our spiritual slumber and deeply desiring to love or be loved by serving and fellowshipping in one another’s presence once again. I am watching our people check in on one another with greater frequency. I receive phone calls about needs in the community and that our Body desires to see how we can collectively show the tangible love of Christ to the downtrodden. Our little Body continues to collect and distribute basic life staples to our homeless friends. In all this, the theme is, to God be the glory!

So, what am I learning during this time? We need each other. Not in some corny Hallmark way, we truly NEED each other. God created us for community, accountability, camaraderie, balance, care, service, and on and on the list could go. For each one of us that may be suffering there is another that has the means of burden-bearing and the two are symbiotic. We were not created to be alone but to experience the full expression of love by serving and being served through the movement of God’s love amongst one another.

The tension of isolation that we feel today will be lifted sometime soon and we will be tempted to go back to the way things were. There is a high probability that our schedules will fill back up and our minds may become scattered or overwhelmed with our ever-growing noise of voices clamoring for our attention. As the noise comes to a crescendo we will have a choice to make. Do we create a few measures of silence so as to hear who it is that God wants us to intentionally love or do we add another forte in hopes that it will crowd out our heart’s longing for true meaning and connection all in the name of busyness?

There has been a certain Scriptural narrative on my mind. The narrative of the lame man who’s friends could no longer look upon their neighbor’s need without doing something about it. They had decided to no longer let the noise of life interfere with their neighbor’s deep need for healing. They paused in silence long enough to hear one another’s plan to get their friend the help that he needed. They believed that Jesus had the means to bring renewal to what had been lost however, they had to play their role in this man’s healing.

Knowing that Jesus was close they dropped everything and jointly carried their friend to the presence of Jesus. Once arriving the men couldn’t find a way to get their friend before Jesus so they made a way, through the roof. Upon seeing the man lowered in front of him, Jesus says, “because of THEIR faith the man’s sins are forgiven.” This phrase gives me goosebumps every time I read it. The friends had no idea that Jesus would forgive their friend’s sins, their faith simply moved them to respond to the broken man’s physical and financial needs. Not only did they hear that his sins were forgiven but they also got to witness the physical healing of their friend as well. The man’s dignity would be restored, the faith of his friends would be expanded, and the heart of the observers would be tested. The community would change for the better because the broken man was part of it and not tucked away in isolation. This began with a move toward community and away from personal space and isolated living.

Love moves us to see those whose dignity has been stolen and to respond with mutual faith that Jesus deeply desires to restore their soul thus moving us to engage in the lives of the brokenhearted for God’s namesake. There will be times in our lives that we find ourselves in the position as the servant friend and other times as the friend in need. In either situation, intentional communal care brings the Kingdom of God closer to tangible healing.

3 Ways to Give Your Child the Gift of Time


Written by Kristina Broughton

When my kids were young I read a quote that said, “Kids spell love T-I-M-E.” I have never forgotten that statement. Here are a few ideas to help you get started thinking about how you can give your child the gift of time this coming year.

1. Do something with your child

So much of our parenting today involves taking our kids to activities and then sitting on the sidelines as they participate, and we simply watch. We have plenty of quantity time, but not much quality time. Look for that empty space on the calendar and fill it by doing something with your child.

It can be simple. Dig out the watercolors, the legos, a favorite game, all the matchbox cars…whatever it is…schedule it, protect it, and enjoy it. Set everything else aside, turn all the media off, and engage in their world for a few minutes…or hours.

2. Discover their interests…and pursue one together

Not sure what else to give your child for Christmas? Think outside the box and plan to pursue a new activity together this year. The ideas are endless based on your child’s age and personality. If your child is older, connecting through a hobby is a great way to establish frequent communication and build a strong foundation for your relationship during the teen years.

Take an archery, painting, or photography class together. Attend a concert or a theater production. Buy tickets to their favorite local sports team, museum or theme park. Go to a concert. Join a gym. Go hiking. Cook a gourmet meal. Go camping. Volunteer together. Figure out what your child enjoys and commit to joining them in it…even if it stretches you outside your comfort zone.

3. Sometimes let them move at their own pace

In our fast-paced world, kids are often hurried on from one thing to the next from morning until night. I have realized that because I am a driven person, who feels the pressure of time, it is my tendency to pressure my kids to hurry even when they wouldn’t necessarily need to. I’ve also realized that this creates unnecessary friction with my child who has a completely opposite personality.

So I’ve learned to create cushions in her day, so that she can move at her tempo instead of my own. Try giving earlier, gentler, wake up calls so they can enjoy waking up slowly and not feel rushed as they ease into the day…at their own pace. Give them the gift of starting their day with plenty of time. Additionally, especially as your child grows older, give them general guidelines for the completion of tasks. For example if they need to practice piano and feed the pets, allow your child to plan the order and schedule in which they will complete their responsibilities. This might drive you crazy, but it allows your child to learn time management skills, and it also gives them the chance to use their time in a way that best fits their personality.

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3 Tactics the Enemy Uses to Keep Leaders From Completing Their Task

3 Tactics the Enemy Uses to Keep Leaders From Completing Their Task
Lessons from Nehemiah 6:1-14
(Please read the Scripture reference below before reading the article.)
by Steve Broughton

1. Sometimes distractions are in place to harm you enough to keep you from leading your people to complete the mission.
Time is a precious commodity. So precious that once it is spent it can’t be bought back. Our time is highly valuable. Some leaders have found their purpose in life and have focused on completing an important task at hand. Typically when this is done a myriad of time wasting distractions present themselves. Some will appear to be of the utmost importance. A loud voice will attempt to keep you from completing your work by demanding your time and attention.

Response: Don’t engage by leaving your post.
i. Identify the source of the distraction.
ii. Discern its’ importance.
iii. If it is a direct part of your mission in life then deal with it swiftly otherwise communicate and let it be.

2. There are times when a leader’s character will be questioned through lies and innuendo.
This is an elevation of the intensity of the distraction. The hope is to manipulate your emotions in order to move you to engage with the distraction in order to defend your honor. The desired outcome is to call you away from your task by working you into a “justifiable” response.

Response: Don’t let emotions rule your responses.
i. Identify the tactic and let the enemy know that you will not react to the lie.
ii. Clarify the truth.
iii. Move on.

3. When the enemy shows up inside your walls.
The most advanced enemy knows your motivation, your why. The final tactic uses their proximity to you and their familiarity with you in order to defeat you. We tend to listen to the voices of those near us. Most of the time, this is good. However, people have their own motivating factors and we must be discerning at all times. Not suspicious, but discerning. Listen for things that don’t add up. Coercion generally leads us to either embrace extreme comfort or reactive fear. In some cases as what we find in Nehemiah’s story, both.

Response: Don’t run haphazardly to your place of safety.
i. There will be a hint of a lie that will reveal their intentions.
ii. The enemy can only take the ground that we willfully give.
iii. Again, counter the lie with the truth and don’t run in fear.
iv. Reveal the actions and manipulation of the true enemy.
v. Stay on task and leave it to God.

It is not uncommon to immediately face conflict when you are near the completion of a life goal or major task. The enemy understands that their best option is always to manipulate us with our anger and fear. Just as Nehemiah stayed the course and dealt swiftly with the enemies tactics we need to as well. Keep your eye on the goal. Lead in such a way as to protect those who are dutifully carrying out their mission as well. Don’t trade the completion of your purpose for a fleeting emotional response.

If you have found this article to be helpful please stop by www.restoringhopeministries.com and contact us to learn more about our coaching or subscribe to our blog posts.

Nehemiah 6 (ESV)
6 Now when Sanballat and Tobiah and Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies heard that I had built the wall and that there was no breach left in it (although up to that time I had not set up the doors in the gates), 2 Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, “Come and let us meet together at Hakkephirim in the plain of Ono.” But they intended to do me harm. 3 And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” 4 And they sent to me four times in this way, and I answered them in the same manner. 5 In the same way Sanballat for the fifth time sent his servant to me with an open letter in his hand. 6 In it was written, “It is reported among the nations, and Geshem also says it, that you and the Jews intend to rebel; that is why you are building the wall. And according to these reports you wish to become their king. 7 And you have also set up prophets to proclaim concerning you in Jerusalem, ‘There is a king in Judah.’ And now the king will hear of these reports. So now come and let us take counsel together.”8 Then I sent to him, saying, “No such things as you say have been done, for you are inventing them out of your own mind.” 9 For they all wanted to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will drop from the work, and it will not be done.” But now, O God, strengthen my hands.

10 Now when I went into the house of Shemaiah the son of Delaiah, son of Mehetabel, who was confined to his home, he said, “Let us meet together in the house of God, within the temple. Let us close the doors of the temple, for they are coming to kill you. They are coming to kill you by night.” 11 But I said, “Should such a man as I run away? And what man such as I could go into the temple and live? I will not go in.” 12 And I understood and saw that God had not sent him, but he had pronounced the prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. 13 For this purpose he was hired, that I should be afraid and act in this way and sin, and so they could give me a bad name in order to taunt me.14 Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, O my God, according to these things that they did, and also the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets who wanted to make me afraid.

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4 Ways To Be A Man Of God In Your Home

Psalm 101:1-3 (ESV)
1 I will sing of steadfast love and justice;
to you, O LORD, I will make music.
2 I will ponder the way that is blameless.
Oh when will you come to me?
I will walk with integrity of heart
within my house;
3 I will not set before my eyes
anything that is worthless.

1. Remain focused on praising God…He comes first!

  • Your family must see your love for God. Read His Word in their presence.
  • Belt out a tune of praise, at least until they beg you to stop and the dog’s howling compensates for your worst notes.
  • Share how God has been faithful in His provision for your family…testify of His goodness.
  • Go to church and participate...your kids are watching you.

2. Consider your ways in light of God’s Word and the life of Jesus.

  • Let God’s Word penetrate your heart and mind. Don't just read it, think about it, and apply it.
  • You can’t offer what you don’t possess. Walk with Jesus. Take the next step that you know God is calling you to. Lead yourself so you can lead your family.
  • Serve somewhere and take your kids. Apply your faith in your family's presence by loving others...show them servanthood.

3. Be a man of integrity in your home…rise above the world’s standards of manhood.

  • Be a man of integrity. Keep your word.
  • Show your family what love does.
  • Honor your wife in the kids presence.
  • If you say you will do something with your kids…do it! If you told your wife you would help her with some housework or finish a project….keep your word!

4. Keep your focus!!! Don’t let useless distractions keep you from your task of loving God, spouse and kids! Be fully present when home.

  • Don’t let TV, computer, Facebook or any other thing capture your mind and heart.
  • Every thing we do is an exchange. We exchange our time for things that bring value or things that sidetrack.
  • Invest in what is going to bring the best return.
  • Your legacy is riding on what you are exchanging your time and attention with.


by Steve Broughton (Director of Restoring Hope)
Contact us for more information on upcoming Married Life Conferences
Or for a coaching or biblical counseling session.

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Leadership Through the Journey

Knowing what vehicle you are driving and making the most of the journey.


I love my drive to work.  Not the distance but the view and the back roads.  Most mornings I jump in my little VW Jetta and start my morning drive through the country.  About a mile from my home there is an exciting curvy road near a river that slaloms between power poles.  I usually drive the road at a pretty good clip weaving in and out of the poles with ease.  I see it as a challenge to be conquered each morning.  Can I best my last time?  Remaining within the speed limit of course.

However, the other day I jumped in the AWD crossover and set out on that same road with a vehicle full of family.  I was making great time, but the vehicle was too sloppy and tended to roll and list against my tight cornering skills.  I looked over and my wife had a firm grasp on the “OC” handle (Christian lingo) and a look of discomforted fear in her eyes.  She looked at me and stated, “You are not alone in your zippy car honey…we’d like to remember the ride and be alive to enjoy the destination.”  Or something like that.

Needless to say I slowed down and came to a couple of realizations that day.  First, as a leader there are times that I personally grow in leaps in bounds.  I come to new understandings and gain new visions of where I am to head next.  I jump out into a new faith journey with gusto and accelerate around the obstacles of life watching them disappear in my rear view mirror.  My fresh vision of life is exciting, and my desire is for those I am journeying with to experience a similar growth of faith.  So, I gather up the troops and unload all of my ideas, dreams, and visions expecting everyone to jump in the VW Jetta and zip along with me.

Although my intentions are good the reality is that, as a leader, I am actually driving a large awkward bus and not my little zippy VW.  The bus takes longer to get moving, takes far more fuel, corners awful, and prefers downhill grades.  Momentum has to be established on the downhill stride so that there can be just enough speed to make the long uphill jaunt.

Suddenly, it doesn’t seem as fun to drive.  It’s hot or it’s cold as no one can agree on the temperature for the ride.  It’s noisy or too quiet and most people prefer their own form of entertainment on the trip.  It begins to smell funny and people begin to ask, “Are we there yet?”  Then someone says, “I am getting car sick” and another, “I have to use the restroom”.  With that the trip comes to a temporary halt.  The most depressing part is that we’ve only gone 60 miles on a 1200 miles trek.  This is gonna be a frustrating and long journey together.

Learning to lead through the long haul is a test of patience and humility. The best example for this is Jesus and His relationship with the disciples.  He could’ve come down to earth, called the disciples, and then sent them out fully gifted and equipped the very next day.  Instead, Jesus took three long years to reveal to them that the Kingdom He was establishing was spiritual and not earthly.  Actually, after three long years the disciples still didn’t get it, so the Holy Spirit was given to them for spiritual enlightenment.

Jesus also didn’t expect them to catch everything the first time.  He knew the hopeful destination for His life and ministry.  However, no matter how much teaching and vision casting Jesus did for the disciples they were perplexed by the present reality and overwhelmed by the future promise.  He beautifully described what the Kingdom of God was, and yet His followers struggled to grasp the fundamentals of the faith.  Nevertheless, He continued to patiently lead them in their faith journey.

Now let me be clear.  I am not comparing myself to Jesus.  As a leader I stumble and falter, and at times I don’t love the way I am called to.  I can, however, strive to lead, love, teach, and cast vision like Jesus did.  He did so patiently, directly and took every opportunity He could to live it out in front of those He loved.  Jesus’ journey on earth was an intentional invitation of sharing life with those he led.  As a leader the destination is important, but patiently loving those with us on the journey is imperative.  Take them along for the ride of their life and enjoy the journey even the untimely pit stops!


Journeying with Jesus,

Steve Broughton



Footprints in the Snow

Footprints in the Snow


                The sun had just risen and the dog was begging to go out for his morning “walk” but to my surprise the grass was not to be seen.  Instead it was once again lying underneath eight inches of snow.  Since the dog won’t walk too far in deep snow I decided to blaze a trail in front of him so that he would venture out away from the house.  By the time I made it to the corner of the house my feet were wet and cold.  Let’s just say that Crocs don’t make the best snow shoes in the world and I hadn’t had my cup of coffee yet so my common sense was still in bed.

            As I prepared to turn around and head back to the front door our dog spotted some tracks and took off to find the culprit that had invaded his territory.  Suddenly with a burst of energy he bound off chasing a cat into the woods.  I found it interesting how he suddenly didn’t mind the deep snow any longer.  The cat being the wiser of the two pounced through some briars and my dog being the denser of the two followed with gusto.  After a few minutes of detanglement and a bloody nose the dog limped back to the house with his tail tucked between his legs.  The cat mocked his retreat by peering down at him from a snow covered fallen limb.

                The next day I decided to take a short walk around the house to “pre-spot” the tracks in the yard so as to not have a repeat of yesterday’s blunderous morning. As I journeyed out near the woods I found several different tracks in the snow.  There were cat tracks once again around our house and I figured out that day that the warmth of the chimney attracted our feline nemesis.  As I meandered deeper into the yard I discovered deer tracks coming out of the woods up one of our trails.  As I continued near our corner bush there on the ground were some bird prints of all shapes and sizes.

                I wouldn’t have known who was visiting our property every evening if the fresh snow wasn’t there to reveal their daily routes.  The combination of snow and light helped to reveal the life that was sitting right there in my own yard.  The snow captured the animal’s habits and the light revealed it.

                There is a verse in a stanza from David’s writings that we all know.  “Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.” (Ps. 51:7, ESV)  We have been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 4:17) and the Light of the Gospel (2 Cor 4:4) revealed our continuous need for a Savior. 

                 Now the question becomes where do our tracks end up?  If someone were to follow our tracks today would they have heard of the wonders of salvation and freedom?  I know that this is a rather abrupt transition but please come with me.  Take a moment and read the rest of Ps 51.  What was David’s response in verses 13-15?

                David says, “I will teach others of their need for salvation and open my mouth to declare your praise.”  (SBP, Steve Broughton Paraphrase)  Our tracks should actually have butt and knee imprints as well.  Times where we sit and share God’s love with others through the Gospel and also kneeling imprints as we give Him the glory due His name for His great salvation and hope.  If we were to sidetrack to Isaiah 58 we would find that our tracks should lead to those who are oppressed.  Take some time today and see where Jesus’ footsteps took Him.  Skim through the Gospels and then ask God to send you on mission.

                I can’t wait to hear about how God was honored and glorified because of your decision to blaze a new trail for Him.  It may get deep but God wants to reveal His love through you.  Ultimately our journey isn’t even about us it is all about HIM!!! 


                                                                                                     Journeying with Jesus,

                                                                                                     Steve Broughton


Mugs & Memories

      It’s an early Saturday morning and my wife has left for work.  A moment ago I came in from bringing in today’s wood for the woodburner and making sure that a good fire was going before grinding some beans and brewing a pot coffee.  I opened all of the blinds so that I could enjoy the sunrise and then poured my morning cup of “joe”. 

      However, this morning as I picked out my coffee cup I found that I had some interesting connections with the mugs in the cupboard.  I was reminded that each one has a memory or two attached to it.  I tend to be rather picky about my coffee mugs.  I won’t buy them at yard sales or take them from a vendor, usually.  Over the years I have hand selected each one.  The one that I am drinking from this morning was purchased after I received the “all clear” from my eye doctor after my fourth surgery to restore my sight.  It was a celebratory mug and I remember how God provided the most excellent doctors and nurses that I could have hoped for.  Not to mention a supportive family who were patient with me through my long recovery.

      I have many mugs with many memories attached to them.  One is from our honeymoon, though it has been packed away since we broke the matching mug.  I typically buy a mug when I go on a special vacation with the kids or a special trip with my wife.  I have two sitting on my desk that have been relegated to pen duty since they each have a crack and I refuse to discard them.  One is from Round Lake Camp, where I went as a kid, served as a dean, and most recently led a retreat for our Discipleship Group Leaders.  The other mug is from a trip that my dad and I took to Cabelas a few years back.  In my cupboard I have a metal camping mug that I used to leave on our woodburner to keep warm while we played cards with our friends.  My smallest mug is from a furniture store that I had worked at as a woodworker as well as a salesman.  This mug recently reminded me that by the time the store was closed and the owner moved to California they had sent out at least three employees into fulltime ministry.  I’m not sure that they will ever know the impact that they made in the Kingdom by providing us a place to work and share our faith.

      By now you are probably wondering how long is this guy going to ramble on about coffee mugs?  Fear not as there is a point to this little devotion.  I have two questions for you today.  The first, what memories do you have about special people that have shaped your life in a positive way?  The second is somewhat weightier than the first.  What are you going to do with the investment that these people have made in your life? 

      I was recently reminded that I have a deep responsibility to carry on the torch of friendship, love and, discipleship.  Each one of the memories that I have shared with you were life changers.  Some in small ways and others were monumental.  However, the bottom line is that I have a calling to pass on what has been offered to me. 

      We were created to have connections.  Often times our excuses of inactivity in the lives of others are based upon our laziness and/or fear.  We tend to allow the fear of rejection, failure or lack of knowledge to sidetrack our God given call of love and friendship. 

      Here are a few reminders that I needed to hear today when it comes to investing into the lives of those around me.  First, people reject God daily so if they reject Him of course there is a chance that I may be rejected as well.  It’s a risk worth taking.  Second, someone took a chance on me and helped to mold my life.  I would not be where I am today without those encounters both good and bad.  They have shaped me and molded me.  Third, we are leaders by design.  There will always be someone looking to us for some sort of direction.  If a parent then your child.  If a boss then an employee.  If an employee then a customer.  If a coach then your team.  On and on it goes and it never stops.  Someone is always watching you and taking their cues from your daily walk.  You most likely are already impacting the lives of those around you.  Are you making the kind of legacy that you want to leave behind?  Are you being intentional with the time that God has given you?  Every encounter is an opportunity to invest in the life of a person near you.  Don’t waste it today!


Ps.  My wife asked me to slow down on the mug purchases as our cupboards are full.  But that won’t stop me.  I have a big desk and a lot of pens that need a home.  Now what kind of memory am I going to make today?


“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.  God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you.  I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”

Romans 1:8-12 (NIV)

Biblical Counseling

New Hope Church (Wooster, OH) and I are partnering to offer Biblical Counseling on Fridays.  I am a member of the Association of Biblical Counselors (http://christiancounseling.com/content/philosophy-of-ministry).  My main focus is on marital counseling.  If you or someone you know is in need of help please feel free to contact me.  For more information about me you may visit our About Us page.

If you would like more information please contact me by email at: steve@restoringhopeministries.com

Your Secret Name

The July Your Secret Name Conference in Powell, OH was amazing.  There were over 120 people seeking freedom in Christ and many people discovered it.  I had the privilege of speaking as one of the workshop leaders and was humbled by how God used that session to encourage people to work through their fear and pursue the God Who is pursuing them.


We have now led two Your Secret Name Conferences and have seen many people find liberty in Jesus.  Please be looking for more information in regards to an upcoming 4 hour mini-conference that we will be hosting at New Life Church (Bellville, OH) in September.



I had no idea that it has been so long since I had logged into this website.  The Secret Name Conference at New Life Church in October went great and we have heard stories of growth and freedom from several participants.  Some have asked for us to host another conference soon.  We are looking at the calendar and considering hosting one in the Spring.

In the meantime I have joined the Your Secret Name Team and will continue to pursue opportunitites to share this powerful message of freedom and hope.  Be looking for some of my newsletter articles and thoughts soon.

I have also updated the About Us page check it out.


Journeying with Jesus,
